Thursday, May 26, 2011

Maxwell Brown


Snatch takes place in London, where a man named “Franky Four Fingers”, played by Benicio Del Toro, is given the task of returning an enormous diamond that was stolen, back to New York Where another man named Avi Denovitz played by Dennis Farina. Franky Four Fingers is given the nickname because he has a major gambling problem and couldn’t pay someone back so they cut his finger off. At the same time a man named Turkish, played by Jason Statham, who is a boxing promoter sets up a deal with Brick Top for his fighter to fall in the fourth round. Unfortunately things go wrong when a gypsy knocks out their boxer. Turkish then proceeds to get the gypsy to fight in the set boxing match but runs into even more trouble.

The director Guy Richie does a fantastic job filming this movie. He uses a fast action camera shots. Using this fast action type of directing he will shoot a quick scene then move to the next scene in just a short amount of time. Guy Richie chose to direct the movie in this fashion in order to portray the fast pace and confusion of the plot. The director also chose to have the gypsies speak with an unrecognizable accent n an almost unrecognizable accent that takes concentration to understand what they are saying. Guy Richie is trying to give the idea that these gypsies are different, that they are separate ideas and values because of how they were raised. The most interesting thing I found about the movie was the way they depicted the gypsies. They showed them as dirty people who live in tiny trailers. Guy Richie also portrayed them as being people who you cannot trust.

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